First, there's Jay Reatard at Harper's Ferry in Boston (or Allston, whatever), with Cheap Time. Maybe you'll even get the chance to hook up with a Cat Power/Belle & Sebastian-listening asshole, or get one of those soon-to-be-Ebay-bait Jay Reatard singles, whichever you prefer.

It's no secret that the WMUA blog loves Jay Reatard, but if your devotion doesn't extend to making the trip to Boston for a set that will at most clock in at twenty minutes, or if you happen to have fifty dollars that you can't possibly figure out how to spend, might I suggest seeing Mister Lou Reed in Northampton at the Calvin Theater that night? I'll be the first one to admit that I haven't exactly kept up with Lou Reed's output from, oh, the past twenty-five years or so, but I'd say it's almost worth it to go see him just because I'm kind of amazed that he's still alive at this point. I know I can't be alone on this, right?
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