I know that you're looking for something to do this Thursday, so I'm going to insist that you (the collective you) go see Mister William Elliott Whitmore at the Iron Horse in Northampton. The first time I saw him was when he played in my friends' living room in an old creaky house in Houston's Museum District on Halloween years ago & I think that everyone huddled around him that night shared my experience of having their mind blown. Who was this guy with a whiskey & cigarettes voice that would put Tom Waits to shame, playing a banjo & getting a room full of crusty punk rock kids to stomp their feet along to Leadbelly-influenced country blues songs? He's playing much bigger venues than anarchists' living rooms now (opening for the Pogues?!), but seeing him still feels like he's just singing songs for a bunch of friends in a really great, intimate way that you don't get at your typical impersonal club show. It's a late show (doors at 10pm), so feel free to get really drunk beforehand if you're into that sort of thing, but don't miss this dude play. For serious.
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