Everyone's been quick to ride David Yow's metaphorical jock in giving credit for inspiring the recent wave of ugly, pissed off rock outfits who no doubt have rediscovered their copies of Goat. But without laying all of the credit at the feet of the Jesus Lizard, there's a whole slew of early-to-mid '90s bands who made albums just as gloriously fucked up as Mister Yow & Company that I guarantee you will be represented in the collections of Clockcleaner, Pissed Jeans & their ilk. And shockingly, not all of them were on Touch & Go or Amphetamine Reptile! Which brings us to this beast, The Scientific Supercake by the perenially underrated godheadSilo, who crawled out of the same excellent Northwest sludge that spawned Karp & the Melvins.

A quick list of why this band is awesome:
1. It's two guys - bass & drums, no fucking frills.
2. I can say with absolute certainty that they are hands-down the greatest band to ever come out of North Dakota.
3. Their last album, Share The Fantasy, accomplished the twin feat of the most metal cover art this side of Iron Maiden AND a cover of "In The Air Tonight" by Phil Collins.
4. Their bassist later teamed up with Zak Sally of Low (yes, that Low) for the great Black Sabbath-worshipping project Enemymine.
Bringing it back to 1994! YEAH!
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