Yeah, yeah! WMUA has a podcast page now (
http://wmua.ath.cx/podcasts), where you can currently download two live in-studio noise performances by Rot Ton Bone and Skirt Flank & Pizzle from the 6/13/09 episode of MYNDBLYNDRZ. Hopefully many more podcasts are to come as we upload archived and future in-studios and interviews.
ONE CATCH! There aren't going to be many full show podcasts, because, in order to avoid breaking copyright laws, the podcasts have to feature music that has been given the consent of the artist or label to use. EACH and EVERY artist. That's like 50 artists per show. So don't expect your favorite WMUA shows to start putting up every episode online, this isn't a replacement for the real deal - that is good olde fashioned WMUA live broadcasts, streamin and reamin out yr computer and radio speakers (respectively).
So please... SUBSCRIBE! The instructions are listed on the page, and if you use an RSS Feed or iTunes, its easy as pie. If you are a WMUA dj, please contact Gabe, Dana or Wei for information on how you can post your own stuff.